
We'll remind you again next week

Not ready? No Problem...

We will send you another reminder next week, if you do want to start your container order, please just reply to the email you received the quote on or call our team on 0330 0130 636.

We're ready to help

We appreciate any feedback, as we are always looking to improve our customer service.

Contact Info

Container Projects LLP
298 Sandycombe Road,
Kew, Richmond,

Tel:  +44 (0) 208 948 5955
Fax: +44 (0) 208 948 3618

Office Hours

Monday : 9:00-17:30
Tuesday : 9:00-17:30
Wednesday : 9:00-17:30
Thursday : 9:00-17:30
Friday : 9:00-17:30
Saturday : Closed
Sunday : Closed